The Monday after the time change is always the worst. There's no getting to bed on time, and absolutely no waking up on time. And somehow, my work computer has jumped ahead 2 hours instead of 1.
Good day, all. It is Monday. It is snowing. I'm here. Not sure what kind of day it is going to be, but I have that feeling of impending doom. Guessing that is because today there will be an "after action review" for the outage I was called about over the weekend. The reason I was called is that the Teir 1 tech who was called first didn't respond. Not only that, she actually created the issue while attemting to fix a trouble report from earlier in the day. I don't like to throw our own techs under the bus, but when they put themselves in the position there is not much I can do about it.
Otherwise, I'm hoping this day goes better than anticipated. We'll see.
Have a great day all.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
And the creepiness begins... said tech just came over and thanked me for fielding her call out. She claims the on-call phone never rang, but then admitted she was not at home and didn't take her personal phone with her when she left. My guess is neither phone left the house with her. While she was speaking to me, I couldn't help but notice that her hair looks like it was combed with an egg beater whereas it is typically very straight. I probably don't want to know what is going on with that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It seems that Mr Jeremy "I love the time change" Riggs is still sleepin'.
It snowed big, soft, wet flakes all day yesterday. It was 32 degrees so it melted as it came and never did build up on the streets, but the grass is white. Supposed to be in the low 50's today so that will be gone soon. I don't remember ever seeing it snow on the day after the time change.
I've got a 1:45 dental appointment to finish up this round of work. Install the final permanent crown and fix a broken filling. It will be nice to have that over with.
It seems that Mr Jeremy "I love the time change" Riggs is still sleepin'.
It snowed big, soft, wet flakes all day yesterday. It was 32 degrees so it melted as it came and never did build up on the streets, but the grass is white. Supposed to be in the low 50's today so that will be gone soon. I don't remember ever seeing it snow on the day after the time change.
I've got a 1:45 dental appointment to finish up this round of work. Install the final permanent crown and fix a broken filling. It will be nice to have that over with.
Mr. Jeremy has to find a delicate balance on Monday of sleeping late, but not TOO late, so he can be alert for his first night of work on Monday evening. Therefore I stay up until about 2, sleep until 9ish, and grab a 2 or 3 hour nap later this afternoon.
G'mornin' E'body!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE spring ahead time! This is just what I needed to push me outta my funk. Having it light out until 7 PM is sure to help my mood.
Afternoon all. I know, I am very slow getting in here today. Been doing this, that and the other thing. Bosses pushing for stuff and as usual, it is always last minute. I'm not really sure I have actually accomplished anything yet today.
I do have to find out why I can't print from Adobe Reader now. My IT guy loaded my forms software on Friday. While he was here I also asked him to update my Adobe Reader because I could get my stuff from NV. I went from Adobe 7 to Adobe X. That was a big update. But now I can't print the PDFs. It all comes up, looks like it will print and then throws an error. Grrrr.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.