Does anyone have any good cold remedies? I know all of you mom's (Molly) out there are sure to have some advice for our poor sick Sparky.
My advice take euchinecia - it's an herbal supplement that boosts the immune system. If you take it early enough it stops the sickness. Same w/ vitamin C.
Get some vicks vapo rub, and lemons for hot lemonade, also herbal tea with honey, it'll help your throat! Oh, and this one's gonna sound strange, but chop up some onions in a bowl and keep it next to you, it will help to drain your sinuses, as well as get rid of the germs. Sounds disgusting, I know, but I've done it works, I've done it, and it works so well that I do it every time i get a cold now.
There's this tea called Gypsy Cold Care that you can get in the natural section of Kroger. Add a touch of honey, and it's perfect. It's got menthol in it, and I think there's some echinacea (sp?) in it, and I swear by it. Also, come the cold weather, I drink a glass of echinacea tea and a glass of green tea every day (or a glass of green tea with echinacea in it), and I rarely get sick.
Oh, and if you have a sore throat, Tylenol makes this awesome sore throat stuff. It's kind of hard to locate in the store, it's usually around the cough drops, but it's a syrup. It instantly numbs your throat, but it does not numb your mouth in the process. Since my biggest ailment is usually a sore throat, I LOVE this stuff!
About a week ago we went to my nephews birthday party and they assured us he was over his cold. Well now my wife, myself and my daughter all have colds. Does anyone know how long it takes a cold to germinate?
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
My grandma always liked to take a shot of Wild Turkey when she felt a sniffle or cold coming on. She swore by it. Come to think of it she seemed to have a sniffle about every night. I will have to say I don't remember her being sick from a cold.
Jack Daniels is my cure for everything. But for a cold I may take Golden Seal too. Buy the echinesea sp? and golden seal in liquid form from your health food store. Mix it in water. Take Zinc too.