I've been needing to clean out the water heater and replace the elements so I'm working on that since I'm home this morning anyway. I've got it all drained and the old elements out. When I take him to school, I'll go to the hardware store and get the parts I need.
Mrs Web got a new phone last night after work. After getting home and setting it up, it seems to have a problem with the vibrate. If I smack it in my hand while it's trying to vibrate, it will then start. So, I gotta take that back and exchange it for her.
Oh, gotta go get the puppy more meds. She's doing better. That skin infection stuff is finally looking dead. I don't want to stop the antibiotics too soon, but I think we're getting close to being able to stop those and see how she does. I'm sure she will always have scars from where those infection patches were.
After the running, I'll come back home and put the water heater back together.
Morning all. It is another work day. It is also another day where I think I realized that I'm short on time before tax day. The boss stood here and tried to figure out what he needs to look at first and if he can squeeze any of his own work in before he leaves tomorrow afternoon.
Good job Mz. I am really looking forward to you completing that book. I'll gladly write a check for that one too.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
The running is done and the water heater is hot again.
We decided to go two more weeks with the dog's antibiotics. Then we will do another full check up with the vet, heart worm, shots, etc and decide what to do then about the skin thing.
I'm feeling better too. I'm still a little congested, but it it's much better now.
I have to work tonight and need to do a mountain of laundry, uniforms etc. It seems like a sunny day in the low 40's here. I will take it.
Just heard on the radio that it is Eric Clapton's birthday. Happy Birthday EC.
TL, hang in there. Only a couple more weeks.
Mz, good luck with the writing. I thought the premise for Sweet Addiction was really interesting. Hopefully you will have time to swing by the Forum when you are a famous author.
Web, good luck with the chores. Of course by the time you read this, those chores are probably done.