We all see to have our entertainment addictions. What are some of your current ones, and what ones do you wish other people would join you in?
I don't think I have any current specific musical addictions, but my friend Audrey is currently addicted to bands Mumford and Sons and My Chemical Romance.
I was on a World of Warcraft streak there for a while (Ravencrest server), but that's petering out a bit.
The addiction that I want everyone else to have is Doctor Who. My sister is addicted too, and although my husband was addicted to the old ones, and likes the new ones, he's not as excited about them as I am. Unfortunately, I've worked my way through all the seasons that Netflix offers (I should check again though, it's been a while since I last checked).
Which leads me to my current addiction that I'm trying to get other people hooked on: Torchwood. I may be a little biased though, because it's a Doctor Who spinoff, and it's centered on one of my favorite new Doctor Who characters, Captain Jack Harkness (who I'd like, even if he wasn't played by John Barrowman).
I got hooked on Dancing With the Stars a few years ago. I like to watch them dance and have secretly thought about taking Ballroom or Latin dance lessons. Only problem is I don't have a partner to learn/go with.
Too many movies for me to list, but I love sweeping sagas like Anna and the King (the one with Jodi Foster) or Sci-Fi. I love the Alien movies, including Alien versus Predator. I've been a fan of them for years.
Games.....for video games I really wish more of my friends on Xbox played the Halo games. I love to hook up online with the few who do play and get some Slayer games in throughout the week. I can always go online and team up with strangers, but I have a lot more fun playing Halo with friends. I also love the Fable series; it's an RPG that you can either play alone or online with friends. The next game I'm going to buy is Dragon Age 2; another RPG. I downloaded the demo and really like it but I want to wait until the price drops a bit.
This winter I got into playing Risk, the board game. My daughter's boyfriend got a fancy one as a Christmas gift, and sometimes when he comes over he brings it with him. I like the strategy that's involved in the game.
I've heard good things about Dragon Age 2. And Gideon Emery does a voice in it that fangirls are swooning over. And his voice work in Final Fantasy is what made me into a Gid fangirl. So it's definitely one I'm going to buy.
I gave up on that show last year. I tried to get into it and probably gave it five or six episodes. It bored me. I wasn't drawn to anything or anyone so I let it go. I had other things in that tmie slot to watch anyway.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.