Nah, I'd hang with you any time Web!! Though I do wish I was on that beach with Mz.
It's still raining here today; we've received over 3 inches since yesterday. Back by the fence line there's a huge lake in the yard, and of course my Lab is loving it. Wonder if she'd still love it if I put on my rubber boots, grabbed the doggie shampoo, and bathed her while she's out there?? Something tells me she wouldn't think that was much fun.
If any of you have some sunshine, could you please direct it my way? I can't take many more of these dark gloomy days. They're starting to affect my mood.
I'll try to send my sunshine y'alls way. If I time it just so, should get there by the weekend! We're supposed to reach 75ish today, which is about 20* warmer that yesterday.
And, just to put y'alls minds at ease , I re-checked the announcements -- they read graduation IS the 27th. Baccalaureate is the 22nd, which makes sense.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Good day, all... finally! Lovely day here, sunny and 66* at present... not that I am getting to enjoy it. On another moman-tus call. I will do my best, however, to send the loveliness your way.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'll try to bring some of this sun back with me. If it helps, I didn't lay on the beach all day. We went to breakfast with the old folks, then stopped at the visitors center, then went to a bunch of art galleries, had lunch at a belgian restaurant, then hung out at the marina for a while. It was nice. And yes, I'm rubbing it in. Tonight we're going to go listen to some local bands.