Royal good news! The royal wedding is royally over! Now maybe the news can get back to news rather than all the royal fluff.
I'm at the office an hour early. The boy has a field trip today to the zoo in Omaha. I had to have him to school by 6:45 so I just came on in too. They will not be back home until 9:00pm.
Last night we went to a place called the Gator Club. We sat next to this table of guys that were probably in their late fifties. One guy saw these two pretty girls walking up to the door, so he hopped up and stood next to the door like he was a bouncer. He asked for the girls' IDs, checked them, then told them they could go on in. It was hilarious!
Friday is finally here! I'm so happy. This has been a long week. Woke up to the news on the TV this morning. Something about a wedding. Not sure what that business was, but they seem like a charming couple. I wish them well. Sure do wish I knew what was going on in the world.
Patiently waiting for the end of the workday and the start of happy hour. It is going to be a good time. I went ahead and booked myself a room at the hotel where the bar is... no need to worry about a DUI.
Hope everybody has a great day!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I decided that I am no longer watching Good Morning America in the morning. They have topped my "Pissed List" with their coverage of that dang Royal Pain in the Booty.
How far is Omaha from where you live, Web!!??? That seems like an awful long day for a field trip...
It's about 4 hours drive to Omaha. The Omaha zoo is aweseome, but it's really spread out. It's a lotta walking to get through everything. They will be some tuckered out kids. I bet most of them sleep on the way home. The school has two nice touring busses, so it's not like they have to ride all that way on old Yellow Bus seats.