So I'm still walking to work if the temperature is over 40 and it's probably not going to rain, and if I don't have somewhere that I need to be during the day or after work. But man, it was a chilly walk this morning, especially compared to last week. And I was running late, so I walked faster, so I got a little warmed up. Now that I'm sitting down, I'm freezing!
Nice one here today. It's sunny and 55 now with an expected high of 67.
I've been working on the subwoofer in the van this morning. I bought it used off ebay over a year ago and it's always been touchy to where the wiring harness had to be just in the right spot for it to work. It quit working again today so I decided to see if I could find the bad connection and fix it. I found broken wires inside the special connector so I just now ordered a new harness. A few days and I'll have my extra bass back. I needz my bass.
Good day, all. Again, finally able to take a minute to chill out a bit and say hi. It has been a crazy, crazy day. Got lots more to do before I go home tonight... but at least (so far) I don't have to work tonight.
It is sunny and warm-ish here today, presently 64*. For the rest of the week thru the weekend it is supposed to be rainy. Oh well.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.