I'm worn out from my weekend. I need a couple of days to recover. Like a Saturday and Sunday. Darnit.
I left work at noon on Friday and drove the 4 hours back "home." We went to my sister's final dance performance. She did an awesome job. Then on Saturday, we took the two hour drive to Chicago and partied with Wild Jesus and the Devil's Lettuce Family Party band at their show at a place called Cobra Lounge. They were awesome. I did something to my knee over the course of the night, and it's still sore, that is not awesome. Then on Sunday, we made the five hour drive home.
This weekend we're driving back up again for my sister's graduation. I'll be very grateful for the long weekend. I'm already tired of long drives.
Very busy for me so I also could have used another day off. Had a reunion type thing for the last company I worked for on Friday night. Saturday I was up and out all day. Had a baby shower to attend for a good friend and then some of us were supposed to go hang out and have a few adult beverages. Yeah, we never actually got out. We sat around babbling for hours. They hour ride each way made it a little longer of a day. I left my house at 10:30am and returned at 1:30am. So yesterday was a few errands and chores.
I'm just trying not to kill anyone around here or quit this week. I have to make it through Thursday. I have scheduled to be off on Friday. A nice four day weekend for me. There will be some running on a day or two, but I will have time to myself.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I will be home on Monday's this summer. Our sitter took a part time job as a church secretary. She said it would be one day a week, or two mornings, plus some time on Friday to get the bulletins done. She said the boy could go with her, but he'd be very bored hanging out at their church two 1/2 days a week. I decided that I'd keep him with me on Mondays so she can have a full day at work. With all the summer events going on, it really won't be that many extra days for me to be home that I wouldn't be anyway.
I got some server upgrading done this morning. Had to put out a couple fires due to the upgrade. Now, I'm just monitoring and waiting to see if I'm done.
Our next door neighbor said that her nephew will be spending the summer with them here. He's 11. Hopefully he and the boy will hit it off and can spend the summer playing together.
Good day, all. It was a crazy busy weekend for me too. I got home around 5PM on Friday and decided that it was time to mow the yard as it was one of the few rain-free intervals the weekend was supposed to have. Saturday was spent running errands and doing more yard work. I got some flowers planted and just for giggles I put down some grass seed. Yeah, it will probably either be washed away or will die off in the summer heat in a few months, but I figured it was a good way to look busy in advance of "the Rapture that wasn't". Also grilled some steaks and chatted with friends and neighbors. It was pretty fun. Sunday was spent mostly at Walker's birthday party. Can't believe he is already 8!
After the birthday party, I went to a high school graduation ceremony for a long time friend's daughter. That was one of the nicer ceremonies I have ever been to. It was very simple and tastefully done. The kids were all very well behaved, and as it turns out they are a fairly impressive lot. The class had around 200 graduates, about 2/3 of which had received some form of college scholarship money. According to the school district's superintendent that class has received a total of $1.3 Million in scholarships. Not too shabby for a small town in Missouri. Nikki wasn't one of the kids who got scholarship money, but she did very well in school given her capabilities... she is autistic. Today she starts working full time at a county program that employs and cares for people with cognative and physical disabilities.
Today I think I'm going to stick close to home. There is plenty to do around here and the weather might get nasty a little later in the afternoon. Things haven't been so bad here, but there have been tornadoes to the north, southeast, west, and southwest of us. We did have the tornado sirens go off 3 times very late Saturday night, but ultimately we didn't have an issues. The inlaws live in Topeka. Their house didn't take any damage, but they did have a lot of debris to clean up from the storm. I'm stunned at the damage in Joplin, MO. Several of my friends have family there... my thoughts are with them as some are still trying to locate their family members.
On a lighter note... hope everyone has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.