Information is starting to come out about the explosion at the OU football game last saturday. A man used a backpack full of explosives similar to the ones used in the London subway bombing this summer. The combination of chemicals is highly volatile and unstable.
It turns out the bomber had ties to the same mosque as one of the 911 terroists. This suicide bomber had tried to gain entry to the stadium twice and didn't get in. The backpack detonated while he was outside the stadium.
They are saying that the blast was heard 4 miles away and felt a mile away. Had this occurred inside the stadium, the loss of life would have been catastrophic. The World Trade Center bombing would have paled in comparison.
I am wondering why this story has not been played up more. Terror is reaching not just for smbolic targets, but psychological ones as well..If middle America isn't any part of the country immune?
It is imperative that we win the war on terror. The World War II generation, often hailed as the greatest generation, didnt turn its back on a job because it was inconvenient or distateful. They did what they had to do for the greater good. Do we as Americans still have that same degree of selflessness? I dont know, but the odds dont look good.
We are at a cross roads not just in American history, but the history of civilization as we know it. A clash of east vs west. The cultures could not be more different. The stakes could not be higher. We ARE at war. The level of indifference amazes me. Is the indifference due to the unique nature of this conflict, ie non-uniformed combatants striking at random targets? Or have we as a culture gotten too apathetic, compacent, and decadent?
All great civilations fall...either from decay from within or from an invasion of superior forces. It doesnt appear the terrorists are superior militarily. We seem to busy fighting amongst ourselves, where blue states battle red states for ideological control. We need to unite as a country against a shadow of an opponent and worry about the political divisiveness at a later date.