I'm in a mood too, and so is the office receptionist (but she doesn't count because she's always moody), and so is Isaac -- the moon is waxing. Could also be the sucky heat we've been having, making everyone all irritable (except for the office receptionist). A few days ago, a woman pushed her husband out of their 25th story apartment window in Tulsa I'll probably be better around 11 a.m.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Morning all. I thought we tried to save our moodiness for Mondays. Oh well.
Back in the office today and I am clearing out what apparently was a busy day with people wanting stuff from me yesterday. Then the boss sends an IM asking if I've done research. Of course I had no idea what he was talking about. And I tell him that. He said he couldn't find anything. Then he told me that the request was an email sent this morning by our boss. No wonder I din't know anything about or remember it. I hadn't even made it to that email yet. But that now leads me to then say to the monitor, "Why shoudl I research something if you already did?" Plus, I think he is having crazy ideas if he thinks I still have time to do partnership tax returns. Hello?!? I am going to have to do three audits. And the prep needs to be done while you think I'm going to do these tax returns. Sorry, I can't sacrafice audit stuff just to prepare returns to which you can then tell me if I did it right or wrong. Especially because it is not like you are going to do the audit work. It is not an effective use of my time. Bite me.
Yeah, I guess I'm moody too.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.