Beautiful day in the city that hosts Summerfest. Dropping a couple of job applications today. Possible festing tomorrow eve. Might check out bonfires at Bradford Beach.
Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting.
The boys lost their game 5-6 last night. My kid was pretty upset because he didn't have a good game. It didn't help that the UMP was obviously for the home team (it was an away game). That means that EVERYTHING else the boy came in contact with over the following 12 hours is bad too. There is talk of a playoff tournament, but we don't know for sure yet.
One of the things that happened with the ump was that there was a walk. We had a runner on 2nd who mindlessly advanced to 3rd and he shouldn't have because there was no one already on first. It was 2-3 pitches later and the UMP realized what happened, stopped the game to make the kid go back to 2nd. Our coach politely said "You can't go back to correct a missed call after the game has advanced." The UMP came unglued for being challenged. He gave our coach a warning that he'd be benched if he said anything else like that. There were several things like that through out the game. You hear about crazy parents at this stuff, but in this case, it was a crazy UMP. It was almost like he was looking for trouble where there was none.
I've run into a referee or two like that. One of my kids got severely hurt because of his reckless calls in the game and the head coach and other assistant coach were thrown out of the game. It was bad. He was just a kid too. Not even out of high school. I think my kids lost the game, but they got their revenge in the playoffs when they beat this team. They were the #1 seed, we were #4. My kids won and then went on to thge championship game with their friends and other teammates. And in 5 years of coaching, this was the only championship I had.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good day, all. Happy Thursday to each and every one of you. Yep... I sure can't wait for the long weekend to get here. Might just take half a day off tomorrow since the peeps are leaving early to fly out to NY for the weekend. This week has been about 25 days long.
Anyhoo... thought I'd drop by while I had a moment and say hi. Hope everybody has a great day!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Just getting around to checking in. Been busy with nothing in particular.
I so don't miss the psychotic adults at little league games. Jacob played football third grade up until sophomore year, a couple summers of baseball, and wrestling from third grade to sophomore year. Such angry sports. I'm not taking Isaac that route. So far the adults with children in karate don't appear to be of the hostile nature.
I get to work all day tomorrow. Yay me...
Happy Summerfest Dan!
Oh, and today's forecast is supposed to be 104.
Smiles Everyone! Smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
New York, like Manhattan? I miss NYC. Been there several times.
Mad Mema wrote:
Good day, all. Happy Thursday to each and every one of you. Yep... I sure can't wait for the long weekend to get here. Might just take half a day off tomorrow since the peeps are leaving early to fly out to NY for the weekend. This week has been about 25 days long.
Anyhoo... thought I'd drop by while I had a moment and say hi. Hope everybody has a great day!
Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting.