It's going to be hot today. And it's my day for the long walk. I'll be nice and sweaty when I get home, I'm sure. I swear, the more active I am on a regular basis, the easier it is for me to get sweaty. Has anyone else experienced that?
MZ, I've always experienced the opposite effect. The more active I become the less I seem to sweat. Though it's always hard for me to compare one day to another because heat and humidity plays a major factor in how much I sweat.
Even when I use my exercise bike, I've noticed if it's 75 degree's in the house and I have the windows open I sweat more than if it's 75 degree's in the house with the air conditioning on. I would guess that's in part because the air conditioned air is less humid.
I thought it seemed weird, I expected the opposite too. Maybe it's just age. When I used to go to the gym every morning, I'd barely break a sweat, but now that I'm walking to work, I'm sweating even when it's cool in the mornings.