"While using a chainsaw to help your friend cut down a tree, you slip and sever your leg. You die from rapid blood loss."
Hmmm . . . a 40 something year old guy from our church had a heart attack. He's recovering well, but is out of work for a while. They have a wood stove so my brother and I are planning on cutting them a couple loads of firewood . . . maybe I better not do that now?
While vacationing in Spain, you are goared by an escaped bull. You die from massive internal hemorrhage.
I don't know, I've never had any inkling to go to Spain, so I find this hard to beleive. But if for some reason I do wind up needing to go to spain you can bet I'll be staying in the hotel the whole time.
While sunbathing in your yard, a commercial airliner accidentally unloads its waste tank. You are impaled by several spears of frozen urine which fall from 30,000 feet above you.
And my deathdate will be Friday, September 27, 2058
77 and sunbathing. Hopefully I'll have a privacy fence.
You attempt to go for a swim in the hotel pool after having one too many drinks late one night. Once in the deep end, it dawns on you that you don't know how to swim. You struggle violently as your lungs begin to fill up with water, but it does little good; you drown to death. Your body isn't seen until the following morning.
considering I know how to swim and swam with my cousin on the swim team, I dont think this is going to happen.