Definatley getting stuck in an elevator! I was stuck for about 45 minutes about 2 years ago. I was the only one in there. Luckily I had gone next door to the post office to get my mail and had something to read.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
It was in our elevator here at work Ruby, I work on the 5th floor and they have a box you have to pull a telephone out of and plug into a jack. (just like in the movies). They said the cable came off the track. So the whole time I was in there I could feel the thing jumping and vibrating. I was just glad it got stuck around the 2nd floor!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
1. Being unemployed. Didn't anyone watch American Beauty? What's wrong with flipping burgers? You don't have to think, you've got suntan hours and you get to see what REALLY goes into the special sauce (thereby possibly losing weight too!)
2. Worst enemy. It would drive me nuts that someone left me for someone I couldn't stand.
3. Catching your parents. Fortunate enough not to have had either happen! Unless I did walk in on them once, I very easily could have completely blocked a memory like that.
4. Being stood up. What a waste of my time! That would be disrespect incarnate.
5. Being under age - I have no problems with getting old - I'm even letting my full-blown grey come in at 34! But I didn't turn 21 until AFTER I graduated college, so being under age sucked.
6. Elevator - I don't mind traffic once in a while, I have such a short commute - but I keep magazines and books in my car for just such occasions.
7. Lie - the smile it brought would be worth nothing!
I've never had a problem with hairy guys - it's masculine, IMHO. I have more problems with guys with virtually no hair. Not too keen on the o-natural unshaven female look, though. Never understood that European thang.
It would be a toss up! Definatley don't like the hairy legs thing, but when you are walking down the street and the guy in front of you has enough hair on his back to comb over his head, that's a little too much! Talk about a bad comb over!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I'm pretty good about drowning out people during a movie (just ask my wife). I agree with Web about the smoking. I especiall like it when the restaurant puts a divider up consisting of Lattice covered with fake vines.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I grew up with a household full of smokers, so smoke in restaurants doesn't bother me very much, though I've never smoked myself.
People who talk in a movie however, MAN that's one of my biggest pet peeves!! I'm normally a very reserved person, but I get really irriated by people who think think they can have a running commentary during a movie... If you can't shaddap in a theater, wait until the DVD comes out. The worst were two girls who chatted through the entire 'The Mummy' movie. We asked several times for them to be quiet, but you know teens: "talk to the hand". So we threw some paper at them - I wanted to write something on it, I wish I had - we found them out in the lobby later opening the paper ball up - I guess they thought it was a note some cute boy in the theater threw their way... ugh.
As someone who does smoke ( although I am still taking baby steps to quit) I have the utmost respect for people who do not smoke and I will not smoke in a restaraunt, or my car. I know alot of people who dont smoke and I dont want them thinking I smoke to much ( a litle is to much) I wait and smoke outside or at home on the patio.
Thank goodness Vermont is also smoke-free indoors nearly everywhere public. This includes some bars and nightclubs. I can't stand smoke, I don't think people should be allowed to smoke in any public area, outdoors or indoors. That would include parking lots, sidewalks, you name it.
At the movie places around here the sound of the movie is so loud that you can barely hear yourself think much less hear some one else.