Holy cow, I just did the math. That's only $7.21 an hour! I mean sure, there's fringe benefits, but most jobs have some fringe benefits. I got health insurance and dental and vision, and I'm still making $21,000 - $24,000 a year delivering cancelled checks for banks!
Yes sir, it is low paying. But if you are trying to put a child through college, or yourself, it is very appealing. The thing is they always graduate and then leave. This is my third one in 4 years!!
But if you take it, i will be very flexible about your hours
Oh I soooo need a secretary. I have to set up my appointments and this girl calls and makes an appt for Monday at 3:30. Then she says, that she gets her work schedule tonight and may have to cancel if she has to work. So I tell her to call me after she gets her schedule and she gets an attitude! Get one, you will not get a degree that way. Suddenly I feel my appointment book being filled for weeks!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I have another. No offense against you Ruby, but I hate it when people have their secretaries call for them. If it's jsut to give me information or to get our fax number or something that's fine. But if it's an in-depth question, call me yourself. I hate explaining it to a secretary, and then the secretary has to explain it to that person. It's like playing telephone, that person is not going to get the exact right answer. And then later, that person will claim that they did what we told them to, when in fact, they did what their secretary told them to. And I'm talking about people who are volunteers for the kids I work with. When you agree to volunteer your time, it's YOUR time you're volunteering, not your secretary's.
It is going around our office that the company is thinking of changing accounting software. I have reports that were due two weeks ago that have not gone out yet because of the set up needed due to the upgrade that was installed in August. In a heated moment when I heard this I said they might be looking for someone to fill my position. I'm sure I will rethink that but this kind of thing really puts a damper on one's day.
Well I get here today right at 8 and some smart a$$ makes a comment that I am real early today. I am frickin sorry if I have a two and a thirteen year old to get ready, I live 25 minutes away, yet it always takes 1 hour to get here and I never leave for lunch. But your fat sorry butt lives 5 minutes away, you only have to get your fat self ready and life has handed you no lemons!
In classic me fashion though, I said that I try to get here everyday at 8, unfortunately life does not always allow me to do it, and to be honest I don't care!
I was just teasing and letting you know it is an office gripe in my area. However, everyone I work with has kids that are in their 20s. So I guess that their kids never had any outside activities or got sick?? Maybe they had better help, but I have none!
For example, a secretary called me weeks ago to ask questions that her boss really should've been asking. We had a discussion about which company to use, and the one we were planning to use wouldn't work, so she referred me to another. Now he's emailing me asking why we didn't use the other company!