The boy's last football game is tonight. It's been fun, but we're ready for that to be over. Two practices and a game each week is plenty for 11 year olds.
Whew, I'm wiped out from my weekend and still didn't get everything done. When we got a new couch, we put the futon in our "den" (that's what we call the 2nd bedroom). We've been meaning to rearrange the room so that we can actually use it, and we were slowly getting there. But my sister is coming down this weekend, so we needed to get the room done. Since next weekend is overflowing (almost literally, I've got more scheduled than is physically possible. I need to be in two towns at once.), I started on cooking extra meals this weekend to freeze so I don't have to make as many meals in November. We now have 5 meals worth of lasagna frozen, and 5 meals worth of tomato soup frozen. And the kitchen mostly cleaned. I still need to sweep and mop the kitchen and take in the glass recycling (we're not allowed to put that in our recycling dumpster). And clean both bathrooms. By Thursday evening. I also plan to make and freeze green pepper soup, potato soup, and some chicken pieces. And I need to make a piece of my Halloween costume. And tomorrow night is writing group, so I lose another night.
Good Monday to you all. Happily, mine is almost over. Turns out Monday is still Monday no matter where on the planet you are. They all suck.
So I was sitting there at the office this morning, minding my own business when the group manager walks up and informs me that there will be a delegation from another company visiting and he would like for me to speak for a few minutes on what we are doing here and how things are going with the team we are supporting. I said this would be fine, I could just off the cuff a few remarks. Later on, the guy comes back with like 8 people from this other company. The team manager speaks for a few minutes, then he yielded the floor to me when it got down to the detailed information. I more or less relayed what we were doing there, then one of the guys asked how we were handling the "knowledge transfer" portion. I high leveled that for him, thinking this would suffice. The other company was looking to offshore an entirely different aspect of their business, so we talked about that for a few minutes, and I gave my thoughts on matters regarding how they could accomodate some of their goals. I guess I did a little too good of a job... tomorrow I have to do another presentation for them regarding our process for knowledge sharing. NOT what I signed on for, but I guess I'll go with it.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. Well, almost afternoon all. We all need to keep an eye on JR. He is in a deep state of depression with the Brewers being bounced from the playoffs last night.
Okay, back to work.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Expecting that your team will be there, knowing that they should be there and then having them come up lame isn't much better. Oh well, this is why they play the game.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm sure EXPECTING them to be there and not making it is worse.
I mean if you're not really expecting it and they get there and then don't quite make it. You're happy they did so well, but yet, second place sucks too.
Phillies had the best record in MLB. It should have also had about another 8-10 wins. They had the pitching staff to beat. The offense thought it was the end of the season and went home early.
It should have been JR's Brewers against my Phillies.
Stupid Cardinals. The only darn team the Phillies didn't have a winning record against this year. And they still should have beat them. You can't blow a four run lead in the playoffs. The Cardinals tried to do that last night though. Brewers pulled within one.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.