What's up people? I hope your Tuesday is better than mine. JD will appreciate this. I just got weasled!!! One of the guys in my department called in sick. He was in Michigan last night trick or treating with his son. I figured he would get home around 2:00am getting here at 8:00 would be a stretch for him. I'm betting he is still in Michigan. Rat Bastard. So I'm all alone today. There is too much for one person to do. Needless to say I'll be listening but my forum time is now gone.
It was a long night. Our dog was restless, scratching, drinking, running around and keeping us awake. I let her out once but didn't turn the lights on.
This morning, in the light, we find that she is covered with huge welts. It looks like she got into something that she has reacted to. No wonder she was such a mess last night, she's itchy!
So, off to the vet we go first thing this morning to get something to stop the reaction.
We really don't know what she has eaten out of the ordinary though.
Oh no, I hope she's okay! She could've ate anything out in the yard, or gotten into something, or is just allergic to something. Let us know what the vet says!