Mrs Web made it back home about 5:30 yesterday. She had a good time.
The boy's first band concert is tonight. I expect there will be some painful parts, but I have no doubt every parent and grand parent there will be proud of the kids for what they have learned in such a small amount of time.
Good day, all. I'm trying to get into the groove of this day. So far, the give-a-schizzle meter is still stuck on zero. I made it in, did my weekly accomplishments report, and started the thing I kinda forgot to do late last night. That is about as exciting as it gets today.
Watched the game last night til I fell asleep... hence the forgetting to run the one file. Got 2 meetings this afternoon. One has a point, the other doesn't... the only reason for that second meeting is that the project manager in charge of a particular vendor contract is fundamentally an ID-10-T where it comes to how things actually work in the network.
Yep... it is about vacation time.
Have a great day!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. Cloudy here but warm. Apparently it is supposed to be in the mid 60s again. I've had a cup of tea, half a bottle of water, a piece of cake. Been working on audit stuff. Boring.
Oops. Just found out I'm late for a meeting.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.