I taped it and then deleted it before I watched it
I used to be a huge David Caruso fan, but just have not been able to enjoy his character on this show.
I watched my first episode about two months ago, the one about the cop that was shot during a traffic stop, and found Caruso's character just drove me insane.
Always talking in that hushed, gravely tone, and then never EVER accepting what he saw as fact, and ALWAYS turning out to be right.
I was joking about it for weeks.
"Yes, I see the bullet hole in his head too, but let's run tests, because I have a hunch this man had a heart attack"
Anyway, I taped the first half this week because I thought the story line looked interesting, but then last night when I checked out Tivo it had caught SO MUCH for the night (Arrested Development, Two & A Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, Las Vegas, etc) I figured I'd never get around to watching CSI anyway.
Now, after your mini-review, I wish I'd have saved it
I've always loved TWO & A HALF MEN ( That doesn't sound so good, let me rephrase) I've always enjoyed TWO & A HALF MEN (not really all that much better, one more time) I've alwyas thought TWO & A HALF MEN was a funny show (much better)
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER is odd. It's just quirky enough to be fun. Doogie Howser surprised me by being a very funny character. SUIT UP!