Good day, all. I agree with the sentiment in part, but I'd more or less prefer it if the peripherals I need to log into didn't ignore me... or more specifically live in denial of my existence. I'd have a real complex about my staggering number of User ID and/or Password failures, cept I was able to log into both laptops and my building badge works. Good thing I don't have anything too pressing going on right now.
It is a rainy one here in KC today. Presently 39*, so at least it isn't freezing up out there. Otherwise, not a lot going on. Last night I did manage to make me wrap all of the Christmas presents I've bought so far... wooo... lookit me go.
Ah well... hope everyone has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It is supposed to do this all day and into tonight. Yay.
I'm supposed to leave at 7:30am tomorrow to get to where my gallbladder surgery is to take place. Did I mention it is suppose to drop freezing rain all day? We'll see what happens. I called the hospital and they said it will be fine to wait until morning and decide then and let them know if I'm not coming. I just wanna get this done so it's on this year's insurance since my ER visit will likely have met most of our deductible. If I wait until after the first of the year, we start the deductible over again.