Good day, all! It's another lovely Thursday in paradise. Much cooler today, presently 35*, but no longer raining. Looks like a quiet day ahead... at least so far.
I might actually have login access back to all my peripherals... though no one involved in the fix is actually bothering to acknowledge this. I just decided to try to log into one to see if I could get in there. Miracles do happen.
Not a lot on tap for this day other than taking Pambo in for round 2 of the steroid treatment. Still not sure how this is going to go, but she is here at work far anyway.
Hope everyone is having a great one!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ah, got the day started out with one sales rep, and we have another coming in this afternoon. The one this morning was pretty boring, but we got a lot of good information.
I went to a holiday get-things-done party last night, and got all my gift card holders made. All I've got left on my list is baking, which I don't feel like I can start until next week so it doesn't get stale before Christmas.
We got back home about 7:00pm last night. I am gall bladder free. I'm gonna miss it. It was like a gall bladder to me.
I didn't get to see the surgeon, but he told Mrs Web that it was "Chronically inflamed and had adhesions". He added that I should generally feel better after this. I'll be curious to see if I was feeling "bad" and didn't even know it.
I slept pretty good last night and didn't get up until about 8:30.
Right now, I'm in no pain to just sit here in the chair. It hurts a little to get up, adjust position, or move around, but even that is not too bad.
I look worse than I feel. My belly is shaved, dyed blue, and has five little holes to heal.
Well, seems I spoke too soon... I was able to login to 2 of 3 peripherals on one switch and that was it. So, I e-mailed the boss with the magic words "This is now officially impacting my ability to do my job." Boy howdy... he is not a happy camper right now.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. It has been a day. Chasing information I asked for days ago, can't get clear information for something else (that a payment is due Tuesday), 45 minutes conference call with salesmen, 1 hour call with the boss after that. Phew. It is now almost noon. I have yet to start scheduling the sales and use tax payments. Oh yeah, and I'm supposed to be off tomorrow. If I want tomorrow and Monday off, I have to complete all this stuff. Guess I'm not leaving until it is all finished.
M - if you wnat ot help me do stuff come on over.
Glad you are home Web.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.