Good day, all. I'ma agree with you, Web... it was a long night. My level of discomfort was not quite the same as yours, and obviously not for the same reasons... but it all equates to a long, sleepless night.
So my user ID / password tussle from all week long went yet another round last night. When I left the office yesterday I was under the impression it was all good. Alas when I logged in last night to do my approximately 20 minutes worth of work, I was right back at square one. I called the corporate security oncall dude who informed me that he was less than pleased with hearing from me. I inquired if he could comprehend the enormity of displeasure at having to call... after some discussion surrounding access methodology (command line versus GUI) I finally hear, "Oh. I see what happened here... so the Unix command to make a password never expire is 'password aging = 0'... that same command works in Linux, but it functions slightly differently: It forces your password to expire daily at midnight site time." Me, "So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that my SSTK is a Linux database." Him, "Uh... yeah, it sure is. Let me fix that for you." Got finished working at around 1:30AM... back up at 6...into the office at 8:45 to discover that the PM for the project I was working on last night was already looking for me.
It is gonna be one of 'those' days.
Hope everybody else has a great one.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I was trying to sleep but Web kept pestering me with replies to my texts.
I guess I'm up for the day. It's all good though. I get to go in early tonight and will be out at 3:30 AM. So hopefully being short on my sleep today won't hurt me too much. Only 14 more hours til Christmas break. WOOT WOOT!
So, did anyone bring in any donuts or something to munch on today? i'm starving'!!!!