I am thankful for FFR to get me away while at work and to Flash me back to the time of my life when I was pretty much care and responsibility free. The 80s. I want my 80s life back sometimes.
Stevie: good idea. Times have been very tough here the last few months. It is good to put things into perspective. I am thankful for my very supportive wife and two very great kids. I too wish I could go back to the carefree 80's sometimes. No worries back then.
I am thankful for my many great friends, both local and virtual. I am thankful for my loving husband who loves and supports me even in my worst of times. I am thankful for my job, that I have a job that I enjoy and that helps me save lives every day. I am thankful for my family, including my two furry kids at home. And I am thankful that I am healthy, I don't have bird flu, I haven't been in an earthquake, hurricane, avalanche, tornado, fire, mudslide, tsunami, or war.
I, too, am thankful for my friends, my health and my family. I am thankful for music as an escape from reality and for JR who always let's us play with is cds!