Thanks again for this thread, Dave. I'm really impressed, I learned so much from this thread! I take it this is a personal interest of yours, what got you interested in it?
Ty for the kind words . I think it started in grade school , some G.I. Joes , a few John Wayne movies , my dad having every book set by Time / Life , mixed in with no cable and long winters mite have been an influence . That and lots of veterens in the family (a great uncle in France , an uncle on the USS Bunker Hill in WWII and my dad doing 20 yr.s in the USN ) probly helped too.
With no cable we watched A-LOT of PBS , back then they had more series on history than they do now. I can still here Lowell Thomas saying - Soo long till next time ! Then in jr. / hi school it was a case of the 'neat' teachers having the class . It sure was fun proving them wrong on more than 1 ocassion ,( 1 of em thought Custer's men loved and adored him ,lol , WRONG !) .
It just never left me , in adult life Ken Burns has added fuel to the fire . With his documentarys on the Civil War , Lewis and Clark , Baseball and Jazz leading the way.
Also I find it very useful in debates/ arguments to know all the facts as I hate to be wrong 'bout anything . (big LOL ) example- Vietnam - who started it ? Ike? Kennedy ? Wrong ! Blame England for that fiasco !
There are also so many strange/wierd /quirky things in history to keep my interest perked up. example- there was a man who lived in Manassas Va. (Bull Run) who didn't much care for all the noise in his neighborhood so he decided to move to guessed it! Appomattox Court House. Yes , the civil war started in his back yard and ended in his front.
That's great Dave! It may sound weird, but have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? I love those specials on PBS, Discovery, etc., but I hated History class in school because I never had a teacher that had any passion for it.
thanxs all for the words . if i ever thought about being a teacher it went out the door with one look at the pay scale . here in florida its so low you can make more working at a 7-11 and that isn't enough to survive on .
another factor is the ciriculum , its so watered down politically correct- touchy feely as to make you sick. the kids learn more about Marilyn Monroe than anybody else from the 50's/ 60's.
and last but not least - the kids themselves . at the end of the year there would only be 2 in class , the rest would be at the dentist office or dead and i'd be to busy in a court house to give final exams.
no , no teaching job , if anything it would have to be superintendent of an entire system ,but at the end of the year all of the teachers would be fired , at the dentist office or dead and id be to busy in a court house as to do my job. Which would only leave private schools and i wouldn't make to many friends there either as im not much on coddling spoiled brats or massageing their parents egos.
naw , people couldn't handle 'real ' reality tv. besides , my first show would be on the history of tv. after people got a glimpse of real talent- B. Hope, J Gleason , J. Benny , Uncle Miltie etc. they'd realise there watching crap and everyone would turn their sets off , hollywood would die and I'd be out of a job lol.
funny you should mention TV , PBS just had a great show this afternoon about the forenamed people .showed how they went from Vaudville to radio then to tv , only a few did all of the above , but 1 did even more - movies , ( more than 1or 2flicks ) care to guess who im thinking of ? answer at bottom .