It's Friday, huh? For once, I'm indifferent. This week has been so out of whack for me, I don't know how to feel. On one hand, I'm happy that I don't have to worry about waking up or dealing with customers tomorrow, and it doesn't matter how I feel. On the other hand, if I'm still going to feel crappy, I'd rather it be during the work week and not on the weekend.
Yesterday after lunch, suddenly I went from feeling just a little tired to feeling like all out hell. I broke into a cold sweat, the room started spinning, and I was hit with nausea. I went home, sat in front of the toilet for a while, and when I decided that I probably wasn't going to lose my lunch at that exact moment, debated whether or not to sleep on the bathroom floor. (I made it into bed.)
I think I'm okay today, but I haven't ate anything since lunch yesterday. I'm kind of afraid to. I was worried that I might be allergic to the amoxicillin (my sister is, and goodness knows I'm allergic to everything else), but I've taken a couple more since then and I think I'm fine.
Good day, all. Not a whole lot of excitement here. Spent my morning cleaning out my work e-mail inboxes. Now that I'm pretty much done with that, I have no clue what to do with the rest of this day.
It is sunny and chilly here, presently 44* with a fairly stiff breeze, so it feels colder. Looks like the weekend should be a bit warmer. That would be cool. The kids might come up to see me tomorrow. They finally got a newer vehicle, so they are anxious to take it on a road trip. Guess I need to spend the evening tidying up the house.
Ah well... hope everybody is having a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
One of the photography forums I visit does a photo challenge each weekend.
This weekend, the theme is "Wide Open" meaning the camera's lens at it's smallest f stop which is the most open as possible. On my lens, that is f/2.8.
I stopped and grabbed this one on the way home from the shop for my entry:
Being at f/2.8, that makes everything in the distance out of focus. If I had "stopped it down" to around f/16, the distant things would be nearly in focus.