Good day, all. Yep... it is timebomb Tuesday here at Camp Happy. Everyone is not so patiently waiting to find out who is getting "permanent vacation". Not fun!
Otherwise, it is supposed to be near 60 and rainy today, for the rest of the week looks like 50's - 60's. Heard on the radio that Monday might actually make it up into the high 70's. That would be so weird for March in Kansas... not that this whole winter hasn't been.
Ah well... hope everybody else has a great day. I'm just hoping to get through mine a) employed and b) without a bleeding ulcer.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ow, Mema. I thought your company was through all of that with the selling and such.
Today it's supposed to get to 57. The temps for tomorrow are all over the board. The weather channel says 66. On the radio this morning, they said it will be 73. You know what? I'll take either.
Yeah, we thought so too. Boss told his lead team a few weeks ago that there would be some changes afoot. He layed out a few possibilities, none of which included this. The last thing he did say was, "Of course since nothing is set in stone, they could scrap this whole thing and go a different direction." . Guess they are going that direction at least somewhat.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good luck, Mema. Vacation is good, but not that kind.
Mrs Web is gone this week again with her work project. This may be the last extended away time. I took the boy and two of his friends to Star Wars (episode 1) in 3D last night. It was worse than usual for hurting my eyes for some reason. Then I stayed up and watched the last hour of the Daytona 500. Then I was up from 2:00-3:00am with a server crash. Now, my eyes are really burning and want to be closed.
We could get rain today, but it's not supposed to snow.
Morning all. I'm going to do more work. Because you can never do enough work while you are at your desk. But today I aim to be out of here at a reasonable time. Yeah, that's it.
Good luck M. We all know you are safe because you rock.
The question now is: what I have I done with my phone? I know I put it in my pocket this morning. But it isn't there now. Nor is it in my coat pocket. I wonder if it slid out of my pocket while I was in the car. I swear I need a brain. Or maybe to at least be awake in the morning before I get to my desk.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Today I want to daydream about having won the lottery and being free. Spring is coming. With the air slowing warming, I see me sitting in the park maybe writing or wandering through and playing with the camera.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Well, so far so good. We had a staff meeting with the boss. Of course there was a lot he couldn't say, but did say that his organization would be impacted. No specific numbers, just that they hope to have it done by Thursday, it is not confined to our VP group, and it was a big surprise to him.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.