Mz, you're getting our yesterday weather. Today, it's 33 with a COLD, North wind. It's supposed to be nice the rest of the week though.
I gotta play a couple songs over the lunch hour today. The churches in town do a thing called "Sermons a la carte". Every Wednesday, during the Lent season, different churches in town are responsible for providing some music, a mini sermon, and then lunch. I will be playing bass during the music part, listening during the sermon part, and eating during the lunch part. We're only doing two songs. It will be a LOT more work to haul my amp and set up at this other church than it will be to play the two songs.
The boy gets out at 2:00p today and is off until Monday for Spring Break. He's excited.
The band concert was good last night. It was 5th through 8th grades. Staying for the 7th and 8th graders, it gave us hope for the future in this group of 5th graders. Actually, the band teacher said that he thinks this class of 5th graders has the most "natural talent" from any class he's had in quite a while.
Good day, all. I'm back among the quasi-living. Last couple of days have been rough. I fell victim to whatever plague it is that has been rolling around my office. I've been battling a fever and horrible cough since Sunday. We'll see how today goes. Probably was good that I stayed home on Monday, since I discovered that both my water heater and my furnace were not functioning properly. No clue why the pilot went out on the water heater, but apparently I was being too pathetic to get it lit myself. Furnace turned out to be just a matter of changing the batteries in the thermostat. Only cost me $150 to get that sorted out. I hate being sick!
As for weather, it is supposed to be 66* and rainy here. So far it is in the low 60's and cloudy.
Trying to stick it out past lunch time. The guys have already attempted to send me home 3 times now. Honestly, I do feel better than I have in days. Guess I just look like the grim reaper has his hand on my shoulder.
Ah well... hope everyone has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Now I know that is isn't Tuesday and it isn't Thursday. That helps to narrow it down to which day of the week it actually is. I get confuzzed sometimes.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.