It is supposed to get up to 79 degrees here today.
Spring will sprung soon.
Gotta finish up the boy's pinewood derby car today. We're down to polishing the axles and smoothing up the wheels. He has to turn it in tomorrow night, then race next Wed.
I had too much to dream last night. I don't remember any of them except for a brief image of a dreamcatcher necklace hitting pavement and the beads and feather charms breaking off. I woke up feeling mentally exhausted.
But it's beautiful here today, which has helped my mood tons. Also, a friend posted a picture of us from last night on Facebook. We were at Malibu Grill, and she captioned it, "Starting Spring Break in Malibu." We had fun and got silly, and just looking at the pic makes me smile.
Morning all. Been busy. Attended a viewing this morning so that put me an hour behind. Really should have stayed for the service but I just don't have the time right now with being swamped at work. Plus, I really didn't feel like being really, really sad. The weather is due to be gorgeous and 70 all week but I will miss it. I should fertilize the yard when I get home tonight. Daytime temps are supposed to be 60s or better when you do it. This week would be perfect. My lawn looks awful.
I stopped for soft pretzels on the way in this morning. There are some remaining if anyone is interested. Sorry, they aren't hot anymore. But they were fresh out of the oven when I bought them.
Now, if I could only figure out why I can't connect to the world from my phone.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Mz, this year we are making a guitar/car. I should have a pic later tonight or tomorrow.
Mrs Web stopped by the shop here to pick up her mom's punch bowl (from storage). She was totally pist off. Her boss was worried that the gal who was supposed to oversee the bank open house wasn't going to do a good job so he asked Mrs Web to step in and take it over. Now, the gal that was originally going to do it, and this gal's work buddy, are not helping at all. They are being all smug, smirky, and difficult about it. The open house is Wed-Fri. It's going to be a long week.
Good day, all. Finally getting a chance to check in. Things are getting kinda crazy around the office. Not complaining. Busy is good.
Today we have a state wide severe weather drill. The guys and I have decided to take a late lunch so that we don't really have to participate. Timed right, we should be in the car on the way back to the office when this is going down. Should be sunny and 80* this afternoon, so I'd rather just be out enjoying the weather instead of lurking in a stairwell trying to avoid the weird guy who stares at me. I'm not quite sure what his issue is, but he makes me uncomfortable. Years ago he tried to strike up a conversation with me on the subject of politics. I don't know why he picked that subject, but it did not go well for him. His assertions about my probable political viewpoint / voting inclinations based upon my gender have forever labled this guy a giant a-hole in my mind. Lately, when he sees me, he tends to stand there staring at me. I get the being stared at feeling, look around, see him, frown, and make my escape.
Gotta boogie to lunch!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I seem to get a lot of weird guys that stare at me throughout the years. I don't quite get it. I just assume they have a deficiency in social interaction, otherwise I can't understand the motivation.
I think the guitar/car is done. I had to stop and pick up some new Super Glue to get the "strings" secured. It ended up being a 4 string acoustic bass. I don't have room for 6 strings.
I'm a little worried it's a bit too heavy now. I have an old analog postal scale that says it's just a fraction of an oz over 5, but I don't know how accurate that is. If it is a little heavy, I can run it back here to the shop and drill some wood out of the bottom of it tomorrow night.
I'm a little annoyed with socks right now. It would seem that for the past few days I have managed to have socks with a small hole over my big toe. I did not know this until the day wears on and my toe trys to escape through the hole. I guess it is time for some new dress socks too. I still haven't gone bra shopping. I guess socks and underwear kind of go together so I'll do them at one time. My mom mentioned coming over to go shopping at the outlets some time this month. Guess I'll save my pennies until then.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
It's becoming sandals weather for me, which means no socks, yay! I dislike socks because they do sneaky stuff like that. But I dislike wearing many pairs of shoes without socks, so they're a necessary evil.
I just assume they have a deficiency in social interaction, otherwise I can't understand the motivation.
I suspect that for most guys, it's not that complicated . . . they are probably just standing there thinking "I see booooooooooooooobies"
Nah, the boobies look is different. I know that one.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that in this case it is not the boobies look. Dude's look is somewhere between long hair / pony tail Rain Man and constipation. My guess is that one of my friends that he occassions to speak to probably told him I think he is an a-hole and now he is on a mission to think of a way to again attempt conversation. I'm betting he just can't believe that there is a woman around who doesn't find him attractive.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.