Here are a few photos I got this week. I already posted the pinewood derby car, but here are some more.
The Crocus flowers in front of our house popped up early this week:
We had some patchy, dense fog this morning. I went on about 3 miles past the shop to "Cramer's Canyon" to see if there might be some neat fog shots out there.
This is overlooking the canyon back towards town:
A couple different exposure levels with the sun streaming through the fog and cedar trees:
This would have been better as video. The fog was literally pouring out of the valley across the road like dry ice fog out of a bowl:
I thought this was cool because the bottom of the windmill was not in the fog, but I could barely see the top of it:
I really like this one of the trees, but I hate the fence posts. I thought the posts would give it some "foreground interest" but they are distracting. I wish I would have walked over to the fence and shot over it: