I had a class to teach this morning, so I had to wake up early, and I've got a bit of an adrenaline rush from that. I think once I get back into the normal daily grind, I'm going to crash so hard. I was also up from about 2-4 this morning with some of the worst cramps I've ever had. (I know, probably TMI.) I go into the doctor in a couple weeks anyway, so I'll mention it to her, but I'm afraid she'll recommend going back on the pill, which I don't want to do.
Good day, all. Still rainy here, though the temps are not bad. Not a lot going on thus far today. Looks like this will be another boring day in the neighborhood.
Good luck, Web Jr. I hope the guitar car rocks all the way to #1.
Not much else to report. Wednesday on, everybody!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. We are waiting for the sun. Been another foggy morning. We are supposed to get rain this weekend. So I guess if it rains Saturday it is okay since I will be spending time on the office. Unlike last week when it was gorgeous and I was here. But there are less than four heavy weeks of tax season remaining. There will be two weeks which should be long but less intense.
I agree that having cramps wake you up is one of the worst things. By tiume they wake you up they are killers. Then you have to wait for the advil to kick in.
And go Web Jr!
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Okay people, let's go. I need someone to help with these ppt returns. The prep work is all finished. I need someone to complete the forms. Last years returns are available for reference. We have 13 CA, 9 TX and 1 CO to complete this week. I'd like them all finished by Friday afternoon. The boss will be here Monday and I want to add this to his mountain of paperwork. CA must be done as the due date is 4/1. The others are 4/15. If we can get them all finished, it'll free me up and I can move into more of my local tax return prep work on Saturday. Stage one of that project is complete. I am awaiting the boss' approval. We need to finish stage two before we can start completing physical tax returns in stage three. Come on, what do you say?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Sorry Fuzzy, I can't help you with that one. I'm trying to figure out how to get an unpaid intern myself. I need someone to help with sales, since it's sounding like we will be losing the IU contract after all.
I got the CO return out of the way. I'm moving on to the CA returns. They should easily keep me occupied the rest of the day today through tomorrow afternoon. Maybe if I can all of CA finished by tomorrow afternoon, I can go home at a reasonable time. That should be my goal.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.