I printed it and will read it while I'm on the road.
It seems at first glance like they suggest it's not a legal site, but at the end of the article make the case that it might be.
The one thing that bothered me in my brief look at it is the suggestion the artists aren't being paid. I do beleive firmly that artists should get something for their work. The trade magazine I read (I beleive it was Billboard) gave no hint this is an illegal site, suggesting rather that it is an unfortunate loop hole that the labels will eventually need to fix.
I think it is more of a legal loop hole rather than being totally illegal, I just think people should find out what they are getting into first, the one thing that strikes a chord with me is that The Beatles albums are available on these Russian Sites but they have not been authorised for digital realse yet! so that kind of means that it is illegal.. it just all seems confusing to me.