Does anyone want to be my support desk for a second?
I've got an Excel file, and I want it to count the total of each organ, so I'm using the COUNTIF function. It appeared to be working right, but when I add all the totals together, it comes out larger than the number of rows in my sheet!
Has anyone had a problem like this before? Have you ever solved it?
She works with organ transplant patients, so I'm assuming she was working with the statistics on the most popular transplants, possibly related to the cost of transplant.
Last night she was complaining about how the count was still two off, but she eventually gave up on it.
Mz was complaining last night about Access at her job. Apparently they are merging their Access database with another, better database they have, and they're going to have to deal with all sorts of problems.
When I got this laptop new, It came with a copy of the Lotus suite. Actually, way back toward the back of the manual, there was page with a free coupon to order the software. When I called to order it, I asked why the coupon was way in the back like that. She said that that is the reward for the few that actually read the manual.
Since I have it, I use Lotus Approach here for my customer database. I've not had any trouble with getting it to do what I needed. I tried playing with Access ONCE and that was enough.
It really amazes me how many people assume that everyone has Micro$oft Office when they send files. I use to work with those files when necessary.
Will work with Works files too? I get people sending me Works documents all the time that I can't open, and I always tell them to send them as RTFs.
Personally, if I have to send someone a file, it's a PDF.
This is shocking, but I've heard that Microsoft is going to move toward the open XML style of file types with Office. Maybe they are finally seeing the benefit of trying to work with the rest of the world and join some "standards" rather than "our way or no way". I think they are starting to realize that their "all Microsoft or nothing" approach to software is going to bite them in the butt with people getting fed up and moving to Linux and other open source software.