I'm doing ok Web. I think I'm getting stronger with every passing day.
So far the prayers have worked, we seem to be out of the woods as far as losing my Dad in the next few days.
Of course, the cancer is still everywhere, and it can change in a heartbeat. But I'm fairly confident we'll have another week or two together.
We had a few good stretches today, where he could talk and laugh a little for about 15 minutes. But we're in a place where he neeeds to morphine to feel no pain, which means he's pretty much out of it. When the morphine wears off we finally get to enjoy his company again, but he starts feeling pain.
If only they could come up with a strong pain killer that didn't knock you on your a**.
My Dad can be a stubborn guy, and we couldn't get him to eat very much today. Luckily the doctor came in tonight and gave him a good talking to about how important it is that he eat so he can get his strength back.
Tomorrow morning it will be my responsibility to get him to eat some breakfast, and HE WILL DO IT! I told him I don't care how mad he gets at me, he is GOING to eat a meal when I'm there.
Thanks for the update. I really understand what you are going through. My mom was at home the whole time she had cancer. These times are tough, but know you are not alone. You are a great son and I am blessed to know you. I will pray that God gives your dad an appetite in the am!
When my mom was on that stuff, she'd be out of it then just snap and wake up and seem to be fine for a few mintues then back out of it again. We just had to be there all the time to catch those good moments.
I remember one time with my mom where we thought she was gone. We called everyone in and were all around her bed crying and trying to comfort her. Even the nurses confirmed that it was about over for her as her breathing was slowing down almost to nothing. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, looked around and said "why are you all looking at me?" She sat up and talked with us for a couple hours that night which was the most she had for a couple weeks.
Well, I'm sorry to run so fast, but I spent most of the day at the hospital so I'm kind of beat. We have to help my Dad do everything, and it's pretty exhausting. Not so much physically, but mentally. I think my heartrate jumps 30 or 40 points everytime he says he needs to go to the bathroom because I know it will be such a struggle.
I'm going to go watch a little scrambled TV before bed (got rid of cable a few weeks ago when I realized the Pack was done for the year).
I may be stealing Dylan from you for a little bit too, to catch up with Mr. Unreachable.
Everyone have a great night, and thank you again, SO MUCH, for all your thoughts, emails, private messages, and most importantly your prayers!
When my Grandma was on the morphine she cussed like a sailor, my Grandma used to wash our mouths out with soap when we cussed so it was kind of nice to hear her let one go.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...