The Grinch hates Christmas. Why?
He didn't get what he wanted last year.His heart is two sizes too small.He never gets any Christmas cards.
Yes sir!
How many years has he 'put up' with Christmas?
Sorry, but thanks for trying, it was 53!
To help pull his sleigh, he dresses up his dog as a reindeer. What is the dog's name?
Yes ma'am!
Who catches him stealing all the Christmas trimmings?
Cindy Lou WhoMindy Ann WhoMr. & Mrs. Who
That is correct!
How many sizes does the Grinch's heart grow that Christmas day?
Correct again!
Does the Grinch manage to steal Christmas?
At the end of the story the Grinch is seated with the Whos and is carving something. What is it?
TurkeyWho PieRoast Beast
Ok this one you have to tell me the answer, no multiple choice!
How many las in a line of "Deck the Halls" ?
very good- did the hint help?
Who made "White Christmas" famous?
How many swans a'swimming?
How many lords a leaping?
Who had a blue Christmas?
How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Spanish?