Hi Pam ! Nice to see you , sounds like a case of " Twelve Angry Men " , glad you stuck to your guns . If I'm ever on trial I hope your on the jury , that way when I'm found guilty I'll know it's cause you did your job , not just in a hurry to get home in time for Oprah !
That was exactly what I was thinking! If it were me, I wouldn't want someone else to just skim over the evidence just so they could get done faster. How lame is that? I just think people need to THINK when they go into the jury room..."what would I want if the situation were reversed???" That's all I did. Not looking for accolades or trying to be a pain in the booty...just trying to use the Golden Rule.
Don't believe her... she was just wanting another day off work. If you met her bosshole, you'd understand. HEHEHEHE! Just kiddin... Pambo really is the stand-up kind of person who strives to do the right thing.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.