I love a real tree and this year ours is 11 feet! Growing up we have always had a real tree. But after my mother died, we did not set up a tree anymore. When I got on my own I could never afford one, but my first year in college I was a work study in the Registrar's office and my boss gave me a small artificial tree with ornaments, lights and an angel to go on the top. That was mine and Zach's tree until I met my husband. He has always made sure that we had the best tree he could get! We cut one down a couple of years ago, but usually we go to the same place to get them. I still set up my little tree though
We always had a real tree. You know, go out, slice it down drag it home. I have been the one cutting them down for years. I do agree that it is more fun to do it as a family or at least part of a family. Doing it by yourself can make it harder to decide which tree to finally take home. When I moved last year I went out and sliced down a tree for my first Christmas in my new house. It is not so easy to get it in the stand and get it centered by yourself. But I managed. I have tree shopping on my list this weekend. I have to pick the better day and go trapsing through the fields for my Douglas Fir. My mother has broken down and gone with the artificial tree. Strange from the women who enjoys the smell of a real tree. Oh well, that is why Yankee Candle makes a Christmas Wreath candle, same effect.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'd "prefer" real, but we bought a real nice artificial that we bought on sale the first year we got married. It still looks pretty good. Mrs. Web has been going to get a new one for the last five years but hasn't found one she likes better. So, we just keep using our old artificial and saving that much more money every year.
I prefer a real tree. However, since the kids are grown and have homes of their own and I found in the last several years that sole responsibility for the tree beyond actually picking it out fell upon me, it's just not worth the hassle to me. I also have several pets who would find a tree all to fascinating of a toy. Last year, I found a 4 foot tall pre-lighted palm tree that I just couldn't resist. It's going to be my tree of choice for years to come!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I do agree that it becomes harder when you are older to care for a real tree. My grandmother had a small artificial tree and that was enough for her to handle.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
If I could be I would be a scrooge this year. I just don't have the energy. But I will set up a real tree for the kids. We are going to do a Disney theme this year. I bought all Disney ornaments and little princess dresses with a naughty tinkerbell in a red dress on top. I used to go all out with deocorations inside and out. But like I said, just don't have the energy this year. The tree is going to be it.
Mema, Mz uses a palm tree for her christmas tree every year! She's still looking for the perfect one, and I'm sure if she knew where to get a pre-lighted one, she would be all over it!
We have a real tree at my wife's folks. It gets set up Christmas eve and then stays up until her Mom decides to take it down. On the farm we always did the search and cut one, now her Dad does that on their land. We have not been setting up our own the last few years but we still have all the decorations and will probably start having one again at some point.
Mema, Mz uses a palm tree for her christmas tree every year! She's still looking for the perfect one, and I'm sure if she knew where to get a pre-lighted one, she would be all over it!
I got mine at Wal-Mart last year, but they don't seem to be carrying them this year. I have been looking because I wanted to get a second one. I think I saw a much larger one at the mall in one of those specialty stores that are only opened for the Chrismas season to sell ornaments and such.
Now, if I could just find a pink flamingo in a Santa hat I'd be all set!!!
-- Edited by Mad Mema at 13:24, 2005-12-07
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I got a Furby a couple years ago. He always threatens to throw it across the room if I even get it out of the closet. I'm sure if I got the flamingo and put it out, he would just turn around and put it in the closet.
Oh yeah, it does. We'll go to toy stores and just play with the toys for hours until we get tired of it or thrown out. We both love arcades. He just doesn't happen to like pink flamingos or furbies.
When we bought our house, my hubby flat out told me "No pink flamingos in the front yard!" He claimed it was a violation of the neighborhood covenants. I read the covenants... no mention of flamingos of any color. A couple weeks later, he pointed a set of them out to me so of course I bought them. Out of respect for his wishes, I don't put them in the FRONT yard, but one is a full time resident of my schefflera's pot which is outside in the back yard all summer.
He claims to hate that stuff, but he doesn't. He gets as big of a laugh out of it as I do. This, after all, is a guy who voluntarily reads "The Weekly World News".
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.