its quiet this am as my 6 are up fast. the sun is shinning but a little cool out here . Coffee , toast and 'puter on the menu .
hey whoever is requesting the slow luv ballads ..STOP IT !! I'm tryin to wake up. lol If your gonna 'quest Kenny Rogers on Saturday morning it should be Ruby dont .. ( unwritten law )
I have dropped in a few times over the week...I can't listen at work - I work on a telephone helpline... Listen on the occasional afternoon at home but don't have much time to sneak on to the forum
I found out one of my prized Nutcrackers that we sell every year ( no I did not make them but I love selling them) Steinback who makes them makes only 7500 of each one and We got 4 kinds in this year.
Glenda The good Witch from OZ. ( sold her a couple of weeks ago.)
Darth Vador
The Collector( A Nutcracker surrounded by 3 nutcrackers)
a Russian Santa all in White
a 3rd day of christmas Nutracker ( sold on Wednesday.)
I am the only one who can sell the nutcrackers it seems as I know most everything about them.
These retail for around 375.00 expcept for Darth Vader who goes for 395.00.
I found out today that between the hours of 5 pm and 930 pm that someone lifted the Darth Vader and has walked off with it. Noone saw anything except a little boy playing with it and the mother nearby not doing anything about it.