So yesterday, I finally went out and bought my hubby's christmas present, the MP3 player I had been looking at. I was going to take a half day off work sometime next week to load it up with songs. He had already bought my presents, so we decided to exchange gifts on the 21st. (Solstice, and we didn't want to travel with our own presents too.)
Last night was my company's Christmas party. Good food, good drinks, it was fun! Every year they give out gift certificates to everyone who comes, and we got a $25 Lands End gift certificate, and a $25 Outback gift certificate. Then they do a drawing for the big gifts. We got an MP3 player! So, I had to tell him what I got him for Christmas.
So we exchanged gifts last night, and I got the 2nd MP3 player (the one I bought for him was better). I also got a sumii set and David Live (David Bowie at the Tower Philadelphia). So now I'm loading up the MP3 players!