ruff weather this am ,66 degrees with t-storms for a while , maybe clearing off by noon ,
just had the trailer rocking under my feet as I was typing this . Think I'll look for something a little more 'stable '.
Found one ! It's a studio apt. about a mile from me , He's got my deposit and I got a lease !
affordable , quiet. square footage about the same as I have now , just more squareish than rectangular. I believe me and the 'crew' will be content there .
OK , I found it last weekend, talk about falling into a hole and landing on a treasure chest. if you knew the housing situation here you would know how big the smile on my face was when I got it in writing !
Morning all. Afternoon Ultimo. Back to the grind. Taking a mental health day yesterday just reminded me how much I do not want to be here now. I came in to 20 e-mails. This may not be a good day.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Ahh a nice part of being in the Midwestern Plains states is that we do not bear the brunt of the upper states.
nice and cold high of about 55 today supposed to Rain or snow on Saturday with highs around 38. Than it is supposed to snow sometime next week. but not much.
My dad is on the County Board of Supervisors. This is a board of (I think) eight people who oversee the spending and final decisions on all things county related.
The county owns the emergency communications system. The city then pays rent to the county to handle 911, fire, ambulance, police etc communications. The city has its own police, but the county provides the communications for them.
Anyway, the director of the communications center has been a thorn in their sides for years. My dad wanted to fire this guy the first year he was elected to the board. The rest of the board were scared of him and wouldn't vote to fire him.
This guy is just a creep. He constantly harrasses the employees for doing anything remotely personal even during down time. Even going to the bathroom was a major deal with him. They couldn't keep dispatchers for more than a few months. He always treats women like a sub-standard species. Meanwhile, he is using county equipment and time to sit on his butt and write his own book.
I remember one story from my dad where this guy took them into the communications room and showed them a monitor that was bad. He asked if he could replace it with one of the more expensive flat-panel kind that take up less room on the desk. They told him it would be ok. When they got the bill, they couldn't believe how high it was. It turns out that this guy went and bought six new flat panel monitors to replace every one in the system. Then he lied about it saying they told him to do that which they all clearly knew that they were talking about one monitor. My dad has many similar stories about this jerk.
I just heard that at yesterday's meeting this guy finally got canned. Fired! You're outta here! Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
What was the name of that radio show where the guy would share his local news? Lake Wobegon, that's it! Web, you're like our Lake Wobegon guy! I miss that show...
The town my parents now live in is small too. Even though it's a suburb of a larger city, it's removed enough to have some of the small town drama too. The police chief there is a joke, and there will probably be a town party when he gets sacked. So I totally understand!
We have several small towns that have a column in the newspaper about going ons. You always know when someone comes to visit at your house because its in there!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
The major loss for this area was the "hospital report" on the radio. Every day after the 10:00am news, they do community info stuff. When you were admitted to the hospital, you were given an option of being added to the radio report. They would then read the admissions and dismissals of everyone that wanted their names read.
After all the Hippo laws took effect, they could no longer give out that info even if requested to. That got a lot of old ladies upset!
Hey Sparky when Riggs took his trip out to South Dakota, he bought back one of the local news-sheets. Oh we had a good laugh out of that. TOP STORY: So and so's Pet Gerbil Died.
Someone's Cat Gave Birth, Who Wants Free Kittens?
5 Cent Upgrade From Medium to Large Soda at Bertha's Dinner Now extended from 5 to 7 pm!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Hey Sparky when Riggs took his trip out to South Dakota, he bought back one of the local news-sheets. Oh we had a good laugh out of that. TOP STORY: So and so's Pet Gerbil Died. Someone's Cat Gave Birth, Who Wants Free Kittens? 5 Cent Upgrade From Medium to Large Soda at Bertha's Dinner Now extended from 5 to 7 pm!
Yup, just for an instance in a town of about 50 people.
St. Onge news By Jane Geigle
Dec. 5
Thanksgiving news
Thanksgiving guests at the Dan and Kay Heck's were Denny and Julie Rehorst, Cole Rehorst and friend Abbie McGrath.
Bill and Fern Ryther, John and Janice Berglund traveled to Rapid City to spend Thanksgiving at the home of Fern's daughter and family, Arlis and Wayne Lewis.
Bill and Fern Ryther were brunch guests at the home of Dr. Angela Stampe in Spearfish Friday following Thanksgiving. Also joining them were several other relatives.
Dave and Valerie Samuelson, Davina, Joe, Butch and Chet spent Thanksgiving with Dave's mother, Neva Samuelson of Spearfish, along with other relatives.
Allen and Mary Alice Tetrault spent Thanksgiving at the home of Kevin and Lacy (Tetrault) Kirk of Belle Fourche. The Tom Casteels of Vale and the Glenn Tetraults of Spearfish and other family members joined them.
Woody and Etha Hover, Will and Eva, now of Columbus, Mont., were back spending the Thanksgiving holiday visiting Etha's parents, the Leo Silvernagels of Deadwood, as well as other relatives and friends in the surrounding area.
Leo and Lillian Derosier and Jerry Jeffery of Spearfish spent Thanksgiving with Linda Hart in Belle Fourche. Also joining them were Samantha and Lacinda and Colen and Tiffany Kellogg of Jada , Wyoming. Later in the day Leo and Lillian were guests at Pat and Dee Doyles.
Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mitch and Sue O'Connell, Mike and Molly were Mitch's mother, Kay Price of Belle Fourche, his brothers, Kelly O'Connell of Kadoka, Jiggs and family of Rapid City, Barbara Williamson and family and Bill Smoot, all of Belle Fourche.
Doug and Vicki Hurm, Dougie Hurm and Madison, Don Hurm and Linda Franke spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Dennis and Cindy Hurm of Gillette, Wyo.
Thanksgiving dinner guests at Wanda Ridley's were Clint and Tee Ridley, Andy and Kim Ridley, Rosie Ridley and Bill Clanton. Joining the group in the afternoon were John and Gayle Kymala of Spearfish.
Chuck and Sunday Bossert and Sunday's brother, Drex Brewer of Gillette, Wyo., dined out Thanksgiving day.
Guests over the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of Pat and Lee Doyle and family were Challon Doyle of Denver, Jim Robinson of Rapid City and Leo and Lillian Derosier.
Thanksgiving day evening guests of Rosie Ridley and Bill Clanton were Bret and Pennee Clanton of Buffalo.
Devin and JoAnn Stephens, Nathan and Lauren and Glenn Stephens were Thanksgiving day guests of Mike and Lorna Richey in Spearfish.
Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Delores Hoffman were Jan Hoffman, Sioux City, Iowa, Ron Burns of New York, Orson Ward and family, Lead, Barb Hoffman and friend Larry of Belle Fourche, and Tim Hoffman and family. Joining the group in the afternoon were Moses Ward and family of Lead.
Lawrence and Louise Fierro traveled to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to spend Thanksgiving with their son and family, Troy and Darcy Fierro, Amy, Michael and Alex.
Dining out Thanksgiving day were Bruce and Elva Newman, Nancy and Connie Swanson and Viola Martin.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
My wife actually reads it! Not because she enjoys it, but becasue of her job. Those little old ladies really like it when they go into the bank and someone says "How's your knee doing? Did your kids stay long when they visited over Thanksgiving?"
It's amazing how those little things make a huge difference on where some people do business.
If you ever own an 87 nissan and need to replace the altenator , and the computer at the parts store shows alt. A , buy altenator B .
ARG !!! what a wasted afternoon , but I do have the consolation of knowing what took me 2 hrs. today will only take 1 and half tomorrow as I now know exactly to twist and turn my hands to get on a gd dmn bolt that I can see from my neighbors yard , I also know which parts you can leave off . having all but memorised the vacuum diagram is a plus too!
PS - it were near 70 and sunny this afternoon , care to guess what it'll be when I make my 2nd valiant but futile attempt ?