Well, Mr. Hartz's birthday is tomorrow, so Mz is taking him out to supper, then we're all going to see The WinaFreds. I would guess some drinking will probably ensue afterwards.
My son's birthday is today. He's 11. We'll probably go out for dinner. Maybe some mini golf or a movie tomorrow. Other than that, we'll probably clean house & Christmas shop. Nothing major.
I have to get something for my dad and his wife. I'm thinking gift certificates for dinner and a movie.
Not much planned for the weekend. We have a Christmas party on Monday night and a School Christmas program on Tuesday.
My brother's son is in his last year at the one-room country school he goes to. Tuesday will probably be the last Christmas program we will go to there. It will likely be the end of an era for us. My mom, myself, my brother, and his kids have all gone to that same little school. I highly doubt that school will still be open by the time his kids have kids (If they even stay in the area).
There is a big push to close all the little country schools and bus the kids to town. They say that it costs too much to keep the little schools open. My brother is on the board and he says that their kids are scoring above avarage on tests and their per student costs are less than the city schools. The city's want them to come to town just so they can have more money. Stupid politicians.
I HAVE TO WORK! But only two days a year on a Saturday and only from 8-10. Once graduation starts I leave. If I screwed up, they will call and I will not be here on Monday!
Then I MUST SHOP or Santa will have seemed to have forgotten my kids!