I'd like us all to have our real pics at least somewhere on here to see each other. i mean, it doesn't have to be the avatar. but it helps to put a face to the name--at least for me
btw: my dude is sick as heck man! he has that cough where you almost puke every time you cough. i had it last week. i'd get about 3 spells a day of almost throwing up. sorry to be gross. but anyway, i was sick man. and now my dude has it. and the thing is: they can give adults the "good stuff" cough syrup. with codine and whatnot--i don't know what it is, but it works. but we can't give that to kids. you know? and nothing works. his doc--since birth is the best ever and we went and saw her tonight and she said he has a sinus infection AND this bad cough. i wonder if the cough has reached all over the USA yet--well we're going to CA on friday to spread the germs.... haha. AND THE BEST PART IS: he got a flu shot. so it is a different strain of flu i GUESS!!!! dang it! i mean, what's the point. well i guess he'll be stronger in the long run...... ok. i'm done...
Man, I hope he gets better soon! It's so hard having a sick kid, and you feel so bad because you're doing everything you can for him, but you always feel like it's not enough. Hang in there, hopefully he'll get over it soon!