well all , it appears that yet another middle-eastern powerfull politician is joining the
" Holocost did not happen " band wagon. i'm telling ya , get that candle stock while ya can !
side note - stock darn it , had Web's dog not eaten the penguin soap on a rope mold we'd all be playing golf with CP in Ca. As it stands now , I'd be lucky to be a caddy there .
She knows all about Cher and in her words, its hard to be jealous of something she knows I will never have. You should see my office. It has Cher pictures everywhere, autographed. There is this great one with only her hair covering the vital parts and she's wrapped in this chain--have to go now.
How did you know. I sit here now in my smoking jacket listeing to French Kissin in the USA just after having watched the Farewell tour. My night is almost complete.