Well all , like the song goes , it's a Never Ending Story (girlfriends name) so I think I'll put the quill away for a while . With Spring a few months away it should give me enuff time to complete episode 2- Easter on an Iceburg !
PS- i haven't a clue where this all came from , but i'm thinking it's Ruby fault !
Rest - Thanx 4 your kind words , but there are a few reasons I wouldn't write a book .
1st off , Trish wouldn't have any fingers left by the time she got done fixxin it , and with her rate of a nickel a word I'd be broke after page 1.
2nd, I'd have to do that 'tour thing ' , malls , talk shows and stuff . It would be my luck to be on Oprah the same day as Dr. Phil AND Tom Cruise , The doc would probbly certify me insane about the same time as the officers were putting the cuffs on me. I mean I'd just HAVE to shove Tom's head up Oprah's @@@ and say ' who wants a fudgesickle ? '
3rd , Keeping in 'writer tradition ' , I'd have to move to the Keys and drink alot. Then someone would want to have a 'Dave look alike ' contest which would mean a lot of ugly guys who would scare off all the women and with no women all the other guys would leave and the town would go broke and then the Mayor would be mad at me . Then I'd be sad and want to shoot myself but I couldn't 'cause I pawned my pistol to by more rum . Not looking to good here .