The boy was bored so I decided to go ahead and give him the puppet stage. I had he and mom go into his room while I brought it up from the basement. I thought we'd spread out the fun today. It took him a little bit to figure out what it was, but he loves it. He thinks its great opening and closing the curtains for the show.
It turns out Mrs. Web had been looking in the stores for something similar so she's happy too.
We were planning on opening our presents this afternoon before we went to grandpa's. That way we wouldn't have to drag them out and back.
We just let him open another one. Its working well, this way he gets to open one, play with it for a while, then open another. He's having a ball today.
Gotta go shoot more darts at the window. (Its for the boy)
What a great thing to do. What a lucky boy. What a great family. I truly hope that I may learn from your example. One of the best things that is happening to me right now is that I am beginning to see and understand how selfish I was and am. Maybe getting let go was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Sometimes we need to be knocked down a few pegs so we can realize what is important.