In our ongoing battle to keep things fresh, we've made a few changes.
First, I had the request system set so you could only request a song once every 14 hours. I put this back to every 5 hours, because I'm wondering if part of our exodus of listeners and sharp decline in requests was related to people getting sick of seeing "SONG RECENTLY PLAYED".
Most people only tune in for a few hours a day, and it could be frustrating to not be able to play any of the songs you want.
Another move, less significant but I'm hoping will help. Songs that have been on the Top 40 for EVER are being removed from the list. THEY ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR REQUEST, just not on the Top 40 list.
I beleive a lot of casual listeners never get past that list, and as a result those songs just keep getting played and played and played.
Removing some of the songs that have been on the list for 6 months or more opens up spaces at the bottom for totally different songs.
Hopefully this will help us find a balance between letting people pick what they want while not being TOO repetitive