I did not miss a day of walking last week and walked a total of 17 miles. As my main goal is to get cholesterol numbers down, I have cut quite a bit of fat out of my diet this week. Any fast food meals were a Subway sandwich, not McDonalds. I've only had a small handful of chips all week. I pushed the plate away a little sooner and didn't go back for seconds. Otherwise, I ate fairly normal at meal times.
This morning, the scale says 202. That is 2 lbs less than a week ago today. That is almost a 1% loss of my total weight.
That was a lot of work for those two pounds, but I was hoping for one lb loss this week. If I can keep it up, it will be worth it to get more healthy again.
Our trip to the Y got cancelled last week, so we're going tonight. Hopefully I'll like it, sign up, and go back again on Wednesday. I'm shooting for 3 times a week.
Since I did not start until Tuesday, I did not weigh in this am.
But I too am proud of myself- I exercised T-F last week and again this am! I can tell a huge difference in my energy level and my sleeping habits- go to bed much easier and sleep throught the night! I am back to my pyramid eating style and that is the healthiest way I know to eat!
I hope you like the "Y" Molly. When we were members in Lincoln I remember thinking "They have everything the "trendy" places have but are less expensive."