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Post Info TOPIC: Most Embarrassing Moments

Living Legend

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Most Embarrassing Moments

Okay, let's face it, we all have them, what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? Discuss them here. Mine was when my father, the principal of the middle school I went to decided to kiss me on the cheek in front of the whole school during an assembly! I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. :embarrassed:

Freeze Frame Radio rocks!

Grand Poobah


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hmmmm....probably just walking around with my fly open or something like that.....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Mediator

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This is TMI, but it is definately one of my most embarrasing moments. In high school, I got my first real period while wearing cream colored jeans, and walked from my math class all the way to, and into, the lunch room before I realized.


Living Legend

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OMG! how awful!

Freeze Frame Radio rocks!

The Chosen Woo

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Mine was similar. Sorry guys! First period in 6th grade. I don't know which was worse-getting the period while wearing blue and white flower jeans or actually wearing the blue & white flower jeans!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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My third week on this courier job I'm doing now I opened a soda in my car and it exploded all over the front of my pants. So I got out and stood up and all the soda that pooled on them ran down the front.

The pants were khakis, so it really showed.

I had to explain to every account I stopped at the rest of the day that I had NOT peed my pants

Well, they actually had dried pretty good after about three hours, but I smelled like cream soda the whole day (which wasn't so bad)


Living Legend

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Posts: 473

OMG, I wish I could've been a fly on the wall when that was happening. Your face must've turned at least ten shades of red.

Freeze Frame Radio rocks!

The Mediator

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At least it wasn't a dark colored soda!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Right Mz, it woulda left a stain then.

I just wondered how many of the customers didn't beleive my story

I have to say though, as a child I don't remember too many embarassing stories.


Bad Biker Granny

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Hmmm... this is a toughie.  There have been so many moments where I wanted to fall through the floor.  I guess I'd have to go with the time I was at a 'going away' party for my (now) husband. We were just good friends at the time.  The folks he worked with decided to throw him a party at his house, and he invited me to attend.  I didn't know the other people well, so it was awkward to start with.  A couple drunken hours into the party, I was sitting on one side of the living room trying to play Duck Hunt, he was on the other side of the room observing.. then decided that this was the perfect moment to announce his undying love for me... in front of God and everybody. It only got worse about 20 minutes later when his wife walked in.  We all left pretty quickly after that.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Waiting To Be Widowed

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Gosh all them are awful!!!

I can't think of one off hand, but I remember having a party my junior year- dad was out of town- and I got drunk and passed out before the party even started! My house was completely trashed the next day!!! Catholic school kids It was the year the Bears won the Superbowl and everytime they won, you could go to McDonalds and get a free big mac! That was not pretty either!


Or the time I drank 10 shots of tequila and woke up with my boyfriend's best friend. Nothing happened, he was watching me for my boyfriend, while he was out trying to find the people that drove me home from the bar and stole my car and my purse!


Now you all know that I am not innocent and why I do not drink that much anymore!


Doesn't Do Windows

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One of my bigger ones was the summer after high school when I was working at the lumber yard.

We had a farm store here called "Wheelers". One day my boss told me "Wheelers has a bunch of lumber for us, get the little truck and go out and get it". I was thinking "Why would Wheelers have lumber for US?" Oh well, who am I to question my boss right? I just assumed they were doing a project and had a bunch of extra stuff to return. So I get in the truck, go out the back gate and go to Wheelers.

When I got to Wheelers I couldn't find anyone that knew anything about any lumber I was to pick up. I called my boss from there and he started laughing and just told me to come back. So, I came back in through the back gate and went up to the office.

I went back to ask my boss what was up. He lead me to the front door and sitting in front of the building was a "Wheelers Transport" semi truck. He said "There . . . There is the lumber I wanted you to go get!".

It was an honest mistake, but I got razzed about that for a LONG time. Occasionally, I'd have to move stuff from one surrounding town's franchise to us and back. I'd get there and someone would say "OH, you are the guy that went to Wheelers!".


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

That is a good one web!

Like you said, an honest and understandable mistake, but I can see how it could take a long time to live down.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Webs story reminded me of my iron underwear story, which made me realize I think we've had this topic before.

I'm gonna search and see if I can bring the other thread up again.


Grand Poobah


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Oh I remember one!

At an old place I used to work at, some of the stock was kept off site. I was working late one night, and this kid danny gave me the alarm code for the place. "cept he told me the wrong code. THe door wasn't locked, so I thought- ok the code worked. silent alarm.

me and this other guy grabbed our stock, grabbed the forklift and proceeded to the van we had parked by the dock door. Open up the dock door, and there were 6 cop cars with about 12 cops out, each had a shotgun pointed at us.......the alarm went off......we were checked out, kind of all had a good laugh when it was done, by my knees were still shaking....

a few weeks later, they wanted me to go get stock again. Assured me I had the right code. But I never went back.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Hey JD,

Was that Hanson storage? Or was that later when we had our own buildings that we rented for storage?


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Actually, you've been a few places since IPS, so I suppose it may not be from back then hey?


Grand Poobah


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yea it was from back then- I forget the name of the place tho- it was down like off of 52nd and Browndeer Road, then north for a few blocks. Where Ty used to be stationed a lot... 

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Oh yeah, that place that looked like a little cottage from the outside.

They wound up being a customer of mine a few years later. We did their carpets & tile floors twice a year for them.

I liked that place.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

You obviously didn't rely on danny to give you the alarm code hey? LOL

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Doesn't Do Windows

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Wow JD, that would be scary.

Our friends in Lincoln that we go visit now and then is a guy I used to work with. He with had a similar experience. He was scheduled to work in a lady's house. She told him she'd leave the door unlocked and to go on in when he got there. She forgot to leave the alarm turned off which he set off when he went in. He was getting ready to go to work and was going back and forth from the house to the van. He was just coming out of the house when the police pulled up. They put him on the ground before they would even approach him.

Finally he figured what they were so scared of . . . he had a cordless drill in a holster strapped to the side of his leg and they thought he had a big gun. lol

-- Edited by WebGuy at 11:53, 2006-01-09


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897


me and this other guy were just told "GET EM UP!!!" as soon as we got the dock door open, as they were already up from lifting the dock door, that wasn't too much of a stretch. THat was one of the things we kinda laughed about too "you could've just yelled freeze...."

I still remember that, but I thought it was nice that a few of them went out of their way to try and calm us down after that.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Mediator

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Posts: 5356

I though the police always said, "Freeze!" -Eric Draven, The Crow

I know the second week Mz was at her current company, she was the first one there and set the alarm off. She had to sit there for a good 5-10 minutes with the alarm blazing and people staring at her while she waited for a coworker to get there to shut it off. Her security code hadn't been activated yet.

Though Web's story does remind me of the time I went to the wrong pizza place. I thought we had ordered from Rossini's, but apparently, we ordered from Papa Johns. (Why, I'm not sure, Rossini's pizza is still the best I've ever had.) I'm sure the guys at Rossini's felt bad!


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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When I worked at Radio Shack we used to have to ask for everyones name and address (God I hated that!) So one day an  elderly lady came up to the counter and I said "May I have your last name ma'am"? She said a name like Winkowitch or something not very common like that. Our data base would then pull up a list of names, or you would have to type the whole thing in. Well the only one that popped up was Dick Winkowitch, so I turned to her after about 40 seconds of searching and said "I HAVE A DICK" Now remember this is an old lady! She said that's nice Dear. I wanted to crawl under the counter. Then I had to explain to her and turn the screen so she could see the name that "popped up". I thought she was going to crawl out of the store!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Doesn't Do Windows

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Posts: 25589

"That's nice, dear"


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897


"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

I still get razzed about that one every once in a while.

Another time I was having someone fill out a credit application and they asked Where do I sign?

I said Below me please.

They thought I said Blow me please... lesson learned - Use clear and correct pro nun ciation!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897


"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
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