I don't know about that Ruby, you know what it is, when I first joined FFR forum, It was my only forum and as such I posted loads but lately I have caught the forum bug and now am a member of 3, well 3 that I post at on a regular basis, so my FFR post have fallen somewhat, I still listen and read the forum but just don't seem to post as much but I reckon I will hit 2000 by next week.
TGIT? Good Morning everyone, after our 60 degree day yesterday it's supposed to snow today, and then be nice by the weekend again. Woo Hoo! Another three day weekend!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
It's a great day here in Pacerland! The Bucks could keep up with the Pacers and because of that Mz and I will be receiveing goodies from Jeremy and JD!!!