Im Myndi and I just signed up for the board. i love this station, it totally rocks, I love how we can decide what we listen too. I just wanted to introduse myself and see if someone could help me with getting an avitar...? how do those work? Any help would be appriciated! good Day
Yes, to get your avatar, you just have to click on your own name and select edit profile.
You'll find an area in your profile that asks if you want an avatar, you say yes and then select from the libary.
If you have your own avatar you want to use, you can just enter the web address it's parked at OR, if you want, send it to me and I'll set it up for you.
Wow, welcome Myndi!!!! Nice to hear from you! We're a strange bunch, but we're fun. We've got a bunch of threads going, with new ones started all the time, so feel free to jump in anywhere.