18 year old and 17 year old MIDDLE CLASS Florida kids arrested for beating three homeless people with a bat. One of them died!
Can any of you even begin to imagine taking a baseball bat and just beating a strangers brains out?
What is wrong with these kids? How can you possibly be so SOUL-LESS at that age? AT ANY AGE?
I laugh and joke about the things I did in my teens. These kids if they ever see the street again will be able to tell their kids about the time they killed a homeless man just for the heck of it.
I have to fight the anger inside that makes me want to say let's put em in a room with four convicts and give the convicts a bat. See what happens when the shoes on the other foot.
Yeah the images are very disturbing- the story was bad enough without the video. I really feel sorry for the parents. How hard to have to deal with that. I hope they lock them up and throw away the keys!